Whether you are a young person in a management position or newly promoted to a management position, the following recommendations summarized from the experienced experience of senior managers will help you adapt more quickly and efficiently to your new role.
Listening to what the other person has to say, being attentive, making eye contact, taking notes, asking strong questions are the skills that the new manager must constantly practice. The preparation of the meetings is very important, but this does not mean that we should consider that we know everything in advance.
Your performance and efficiency in the new role is evaluated by your superior. Thus, you need to know, to understand what his expectations are from you (how often you can decide for yourself, what kind of problems, how he wants to be informed, on what topics, etc.)
Although the act of criticizing is perceived as stressful, most managers do not provide positive feedback - they do not praise team members. Both criticism and praise must be offered immediately after the behavior that can be criticized or praised. Research shows that in the effective teams for each criticism are added 5 praises…! Praise refers to the recognition and appreciation of a manifested and accepted / desired behavior.
Personal problems such as: an employee's workload, an employee's problems with colleagues, with the work he has to do - are solved using problem-solving skills, people management, but organizational problems like poor production flow that lead to errors and permanent delays, problems related to promotion policies, the inability of the whole team to adapt to new requirements, etc. - can no longer be solved only with the strength of their own skills, but it is necessary to work as a team for the entire organization.