5S at home

5S is a five-step management methodology that is repeated in a production framework to ensure quality, to limit losses but especially to maximize the time and results of the efforts of employees. Work becomes difficult in messy and crowded environments, when employees are always looking for important tools or documents, and the chances of injury increase in uncontrolled spaces. With the same line of thinking, 5S can be implemented in your own home, with similar benefits to a clean and tidy workplace.

Sort and separate everything from the house, work in one room at a time, keep only what you need and is in good working order, remove everything else. From a simple perspective, reduce the items in your home so that you have enough, but not more than you need. You can also use a system with categories with bags, containers labeled: "Throw, Donate, Keep…" After sorting, you will certainly save money, e.g. no need to buy storage furniture.

The purpose of the Order is to arrange things so that everything can be easily seen, to have a place for everything, and minimalism helps in this part of the process - the less we have, the more easy to know and order what we have. Establish an orderly appearance and secure storage in all cabinets and drawers.

Define a cleaning routine, as it is easier to clean more often than to invest extra time and energy in deep general cleaning. If the house is clean and tidy, you will notice more easily if something is missing or defective.

Standardization at home refers to accepting and maintaining order, to regularly repeat the first three steps and to make sure that everyone in the house knows and follows the rules.

Maintain the above steps, continue to improve the process, and perform a self-audit to ensure that you meet your expected level of order and cleanliness.
You can start implementing 5S at home today and you will see that you will reduce losses, but you will improve the quality and well-being in your home.


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