5S - Performance indicator for the Production area

Organizations use multi-level KPIs or performance indicators to assess success in meeting targets.
High-level KPIs can focus on overall business performance, while basic-level KPIs can focus on processes in departments such as sales, marketing, human resources, production, maintenance, and more.

In addition to the classic indicators for the Production area such as Efficiency, Productivity or OEE, we must also have 5S.
5S is composed of the following stages:
  • Sorting
  • Systematization
  • Shine
  • Standardization
  • Support
Often, the 5S method is misinterpreted and widely considered to be just a cleaning activity. Although cleanliness is an important component, the 5S has a much wider scope.

This method is related to the organization of the workplace and is a gateway that allows the start of the LEAN journey, involving employees in the development and use of "standards" and "practices"!

WHAT DO WE GET WITH 5S? The implementation of 5S results in obvious improvements in the areas of application, but more important, is the change of people's attitude towards their work and workplace.
It is necessary for the whole organization to be involved. The activities are not complicated, the difficulty is rather to do that regularly (ie discipline).

This requires determination, perseverance and cooperation. This combination, in turn, creates a new sense of team identity and a better climate in the company. Every part of the 5S process is important. Every step has the power to 'open' people's eyes.

The 5S method is the best way to start eliminating waste!
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Phone: +40 357 805 456
E-mail: office@effectiveflux.com
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