Professional development needs' analysis

- The starting point in achieving workplace efficiency -

Identifying and analyzing professional development needs are processes through which companies harmonize their own needs and individual professional development needs in order to reach the maximum potential of employees and the organization.

The identification of training needs takes into account:
- The level of knowledge, skills, competencies that are necessary in order to achieve business objectives and maximum individual potential;
- Current level of individual and team knowledge, skills, competences
- The type of training necessary to reach the maximum performance: courses, training, workshop, mentoring, coaching, etc.

Individual and team competencies are manifested in the actions to be performed at work. Identifying professional development needs has a preventive role by identifying those skills and abilities necessary to achieve the desired level of performance, before they become a problem through the inability of the person or team to perform one action or another.

Consequently, knowing and choosing those skills that need to be developed but especially their methods of development - represents the starting point in reaching and using the maximum potential, both individually and organizationally, this process of identification manifesting itself in the sphere of responsibility of the individual - the employee and that of the organization.
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