Resiliency - an important trait of the ideal candidate in 2021

Constantly concerned with identifying the ideal candidate, current recruiters are taking into account a newly-defined feature: anti-fragility. The pandemic situation brought changes in organizational structure, changes in the type and schedule of work but also highlighted certain features of the candidates and employees that companies want.

One of the most sought after features since 2020 is to be resilient. Organizations, individuals and societies must be resilient in the existing pandemic situation, thus proving the ability to adapt in a positive way to unfavorable situations.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, quoted by Tom Haak of the HR Trend Institute, introduces a new term: anti-fragile. Anti-fragility is that ability that allows individuals to grow in unfavorable conditions, the ability to take advantage of adverse, unfavorable conditions – in order to develop. According to the same author, the more options or possibilities there are in an unfavorable situation, the greater the ability to be anti-fragile. In other words, not avoiding difficult situations but the ability to find options or solutions for these situations give us anti-fragility, the ability to develop and grow in unfavorable conditions.

Recruiting in 2021 should be based on these two concepts: resilience and anti-fragility; Moreover, recruiters must find methods to assess the level of the two traits, so that identified and selected candidates are able to cope effectively with the responsibilities they will face in the new normality generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.



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