Good practices for staff recruitment

Staff recruitment is the process of identifying and attracting the best potential future employees for the company. With the change of 'personnel' policies and the introduction of 'human resources management', then 'talent management', now 'human capital management', the recruitment in Romania has undergone and is constantly undergoing essential changes linked to the design of process, the recruiting skills or branding strategies, etc.

Below you may find a list of good practices for staff recruitment processes, practices that serve the management of human capital within the companies operating in the current socio-economic context.
  1. Develop and adhere to a well-defined recruitment process. Any plan or process, however well defined, will become completely useless if it is not followed. Adherence to the recruitment process in the company is ensured by investing in those who recruit, offering them constant learning opportunities and strengthening their relationships with the hiring managers
  2. Creating a career website for the company, which should be easy to access, friendly with potential candidates, but also with the recruitment specialists
  3. Predominant use of social media channels. A study published by Meisha Rouser shows that in 2012, approximately 37 million people found a job through social networks, such as Facebook or LinkedIn
  4. Implementing a strong policy for managing relations with candidates. Once the vacancy in the company becomes visible, the relationship with potential candidates is a relationship that must be maintained in an appropriate manner. The experience of the candidates or potential candidates in relation to the company's representatives is a determining factor for the success of the recruitment processes that are carried out
5. Involvement of other members of the organization, a practice that will encourage and develop the process of internal recommendations
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