Who is responsible for the OEE?

Identification of production bottlenecks is done using in-depth analyzes, provided by numerous reports, such as: job and operator performance, OEE, production cycle analysis, machine use and downtime history, which allow production managers to make decisions. objective and informed.

Monitoring machine performance allows managers involved in production to analyze, interpret and make decisions based on the data received to maximize their efficiency. Relevant machine operating parameters are collected using various methods - manual or automatic data acquisition - and then centralized in updated charts with the data and operating status of the machine. Among the indicators pursued by managers are OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) together with its three components - availability, performance and quality.

Sometimes, when we have automated real-time data acquisition processes, obtaining OEE is a click away for anyone with the right to access such data. Practically in this case the responsibility for calculating the OEE lies with the software program that acquires the data from the machine. This method is preferable because it leaves no room for negligence and interpretation of the data collected. And we have another advantage: the same rules apply in data collection and decisions are made under the same conditions, so we can make comparisons on the evolution of the car.

In the case of manually recording data, there are situations when the data are "filtered" which leads to a lower accuracy of the information obtained. In this case we must have a person in charge who records the data necessary for the calculation of the OEE. In general, this responsibility rests with the team leader who processes them at the end of the shift and sends them to higher levels: foremen, workshop leaders, department heads. There are organizations in which people are appointed to deal with the calculation of the OEE, its analysis and then based on the data makes proposals for its improvement. The proposals are analyzed in regular meetings attended by the managers and the production manager. Depending on the established improvement actions, a plan for their implementation is drawn up.

A person will be appointed, who is often responsible for the OEE, to monitor the implementation of improvement actions.

In general, an OEE of about 60% is achieved in factories. An OEE over 85% is excellent (Master class). Follow the OEE and you will get many benefits such as: waste reduction, faster working speed and shorter downtime.
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