Increase productivity with Human Interface Mate (HIM)

HIM is an innovative system that transforms workstations into a digital and interactive environment. It reduces the qualitative and productivity variations in the manual processes by guiding the operator, thus being a poka-yoke system, ie a process in which mistakes due to the human factor can be prevented.

Transforming workstations into a digital environment is done by:
  • Operator guidance with augmented reality instructions
  • Validation of operations by built-in smart sensors
  • Integrating the ecosystem to create smarter workstations
  • Convert manual operations from the workstation into guidance information
HIM has already proven in the factories where it has been installed that:
  • can reduce human factor errors by up to 90%
  • can reduce rework by more than 75%
  • can also reduce the training period by 50%
HIM transposes the instructions for the operator by designing on the work area, provides real-time feedback and records the operator's performance.
With Human Interface Mate, you can create a multifunctional flexible assembly line where all operators work in the same standardized way.

All stages of the process will be validated and recorded for quality assurance.
With the operator training package, you can reduce the operator learning curve by 50%. It will also be possible for operators with relatively little experience to perform more complex tasks and thus reduce waste and defects.
Human Interface Mate is able to integrate into the customer ecosystem, such as operational management programs (ERP) including SAP.

With the help of HIM you reduce mistakes, increase efficiency and ensure the required quality!
Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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