Why does Lean fail?

Why do many Lean implementation programs fails?

The failure rate of Lean implementation projects varies depending on who you ask between 30% and 90%. Normally, with a success rate at this level we should look elsewhere. Unfortunately, the alternatives are usually much worse.

That is why it is good to know the causes that lead to failure. Unfortunately, the list below is not exhaustive.

  1. Change of priorities during the implementation program
  2. Failure to allocate the necessary resources: time, people,...
  3. Blind implementation of Lean tools, without being adapted to the needs / concrete situation
  4. Companies expect quick results and are not prepared for the effort required by a Lean transformation
  5. Many times people are seen as "expenses"
  6. Choosing the wrong goals.
  7. Unrealistic goals. Also, not establishing and/or not increasing the indicators. And vice versa is true, too many indicators and data can lead to paralysis.
  8. Lack of training and understanding of Lean.
  9. Lack of respect, commitment, involvement and support from management.
  10. Lack of a spirit of continuous improvement.
  11. Lack of involvement, motivation and team spirit of employees.
  12. Many Lean programs don't focus on what customers actually want

We hope that this information will help you to help improve the statistics.

Good luck!
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