Why should we use Kanban ?

Kanban is a way of discovering problems related to processes and workflows, which allows them to be solved and the efficient delivery of products to the customer.

These objectives are achieved by introducing constraints in the system to optimize value flows. The flow is the center of attention.

The advantages would be:
o Provides transportation information.
o Provides production information.
o Prevents overproduction and excessive transport.
o Serves as a work order attached to the product.
o Prevents the transfer of defective products by identifying the defective process.
o Discover existing problems and ensure stock control.

Kanban represents order and discipline in the manufacturing flow and brings with it the responsibility of planning and building correctly in the sequence required by the customer.

For this discipline some basic rules must be observed:
o The subsequent process raises the number of pieces indicated by the card from the previous process.
o The previous process produces in the quantities and sequence indicated on the card.
o It will only be produced or transported based on the card.
o Always attach a card to the products.
o Defective products are not sent to the next process.
o Reducing the number of cards increases the impact.

Remember about Kanban:
- Not suitable in all situations
- Lack of discipline will create big problems in delivery!
- It is recommended to be implemented after the processes have been at least partially stabilized
- Facilitates teamwork and continuous process optimization: whenever stock targets are reduced, new problems come to light that need to be solved.

Honestly, it doesn't let us get bored ðŸ˜Š
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