About First Time Manager

At the end of 2021, our company had the joy of organizing and delivering the first training session on the topic First time manager. The First time manager training adresses those who hold this position for the first time, but also those who aspire to this position within an organization.

The course aims to develop those skills necessary for the manager to achieve performance, providing up-to-date information on managerial theories, the roles and functions of a manager, the connection of leadership skills with the role of manager and various conflict management strategies. Practical applications and examples target experiences from a wide variety of fields.

The participants in last year's session, active in the field of industrial production, said they were pleased with the structure of the training, the novelty of the information received, the connection between theoretical information and its applicability and the concrete examples in the field of production.

The feedback received from the participants in this session led to the improvement of the content by adding concrete information regarding the management trends at national and international level, information integrated in the second version of the First time manager training.
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