DOE - What it is, and purpose

The study of processes is essential for their improvement. We can observe events as they occur without influencing them. If we are lucky, an interesting event for our process can take place during the observations.

If not, then we need to proactively manipulate the input variables so that their effect on the output variables can be studied.

DOE (Design Of Experiment) is a scientific method by which, in a systematic and planned way, experiments are performed that allow the evaluation of the effect of one or more factors on a result.

The goal is to determine which X (factor) most affects the result (Y), so that we can identify at what value to program “X” for:
  • for Y to reach the goal;
  • to reduce the variation Y;
  • eliminate the presence of special causes.
By simultaneously manipulating several factors, the DOE can identify important interactions between factors that can be missed when experimenting with a one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT).

We use DOE when several input factors are suspected to influence an output. For example, we may want to optimize the adjustment of mold temperature and pressure to increase the hardness of the injected plastic.

The result of using DOE will be to increase the hardness by identifying the optimal settings for the process factors / parameters.
It should be noted, however, that DOE is a fairly expensive method, due to the necessary tests.
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