Feedback in the process of integration of new employees

When we talk about feedback in the organizational environment, the mind usually leads us to the feedback that the employer gives to the employees. In the case of the process of integrating new employees, this feedback is provided by the employees to the employer, which causes the communication circuit to close naturally.

It is important for the organization, management and teams for newcomers to provide feedback in a structured, organized, formal way. The importance of this feedback comes from the need for the organization to stay current, adapted to reality and with a mentality of continuous improvement.

Feedback discussions, whether we are talking about a physical or virtual environment, must be organized at least twice in the process of integrating new employees, and in these discussions it is important that the HR specialist and the manager of the newcomer are both present. Feedback discussions have a structure which is defined by the human resources specialist and which aims to identify those ambiguities, inconsistencies or difficulties that a newly hired person faces. All these work as an indicator of organizational well-being, being able to highlight hierarchical relationship problems, process problems or procedural errors. Once these issues are highlighted - they can be corrected or prevented in a timely manner to prevent serious operating situations within the organization.

The organization of integration feedback discussions does not depend on the size of the organization, they are necessary both in organizations with 1000 employees and in organizations with 10 employees. Human resources specialists need to consider this stage of the integration process, regardless of the organizational size or the percentage of staff turnover in the organization in which they work.

Even if, during the feedback discussions, the new employee provides information to the employer, he can intervene in the calibration of the relationship between the two actors: employer and employee - to prevent possible future communication difficulties. Feedback discussions on integration thus become the zero moment of healthy, transparent and honest working relationships regardless of the hierarchical level we are referring to.
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