FlexSim - software for analysis and 3D modeling of processes and systems

FlexSim is software that helps you turn your existing factory data into accurate predictions for your organization in order to analyze a current or future scenario.
The 3D simulations created with FlexSim help you mimic the look of the real system, so it is easier to understand and evaluate based on data happening in current processes or designed for optimization.

This allows you to identify potential bottlenecks in the process or system and the optimal location options to eliminate them.
FlexSim software contains the following components:
  • 3D simulation
  • Site modeling
  • Custom designs
  • Model analysis
  • Optimization

3D simulation
FlexSim comes with all the proven benefits of process event simulation - but with the added bonus of extremely realistic and captivating 3D graphics.
Visual validation is the first level of validation of the model, in which you visually confirm that the system works - or does not work - as originally designed.

3D simulation models a real system in the virtual environment, also accounts for real variability with the wide range of statistical distributions and FlexSim random numbers.
The 3D simulation will help you run using the desired model to test the "what if" scenarios - without having to change things in the real world.

Site modeling
FlexSim simplifies the reproduction of the appearance of the system in your organization, while maintaining the details necessary for precise analysis.
Only simple commands are used to place objects and resources directly in the 3D environment - no post-processing is required! The models can be customized according to the preferences of the organization and the processes it has. You can import custom 3D objects to reproduce the look of the real system, in addition, all realistic visual effects are prepared by default by FlexSim.

Model customization
FlexSim connects ease of use with the ability to model even the most complex systems. The standard object library contains a variety of objects that can be used to immediately build models. Customization is simple - just choose from preconfigured behaviors, mix and match options, and even create your own processes and patterns. Process flow is one of the newest tools and uses pre-built activity blocks to perform basic or complex logic in a familiar flowchart environment.

Model analysis
After performing the desired process simulation, the complete system of FlexSim analysis functions helps you to understand more deeply what is happening in that process. A list of graphical reports, charts, and indicators (e.g., OEE, D / time) helps you view data from a simulation run. The system has great flexibility for data collection through powerful tools such as Stats Collector and Zone activity.

The great advantage of FlexSim is to test the "what if" scenarios to make the best possible choices without changing anything in the field until we are convinced that it is a successful option.
FlexSim is fully integrated with the OptQuest optimization module. This powerful scenario optimization package allows you to set variables and constraints on the model in your organization to evaluate hundreds of possible solutions. You can even design multi-objective experiments to take into account competing inputs to the system.

By using the FlexSim software you will find the best possible and optimized solution for your process!
Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
E-mail: office@effectiveflux.com
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