As most of those connected with the automotive world have probably already learned, in June 2019 the first unified edition of AIAG / VDA for the FMEA standard was published.

The initial idea that started from this reunification was the standardization of the tables for the evaluation of Severity, Occurrence and Detection, which were treated differently by the North American and European industry, often leading to confusion or high complexity in the product development or improvement activities. of suppliers.

Subsequently, during the analyzes made for unification, it was agreed to change the structure and approach used when creating or revising an FMEA and thus this new methodology was created in 7 steps: Preparation and planning, Structure analysis, Function analysis, Failure analysis , Risk analysis, Optimization, Documentation of results.

Major changes in the new FMEA AIAG / VDA methodology:
- standardization of tables for evaluation of Severity, Occurrence, Detection
- elimination of RPN and replacement with AP (Action Priority)
- the introduction of FMEA-MSR (Monitoring and System Response) which comes as a complement to D-FMEA and helps to maintain the safety or the legal requirements during the use of the product by the client, among the risk elements considered as the technical possibilities of avoidance or reduction of the effect after the diagnoses and the automatic reaction

The new FMEA AIAG / VDA standard does not specify the transition mode and period, which remains to be established between the OEM and the supplier organizations for them.

For example, Fiat Chrysler announces the immediate acceptance of the new methodology, after an individual discussion of each case. For the following projects, starting with December 2019, Fiat Chrysler requires the use of the standard form for D-FMEA and the alternative 'G' form for P-FMEA.

Similarly, Ford immediately accepts the new methodology. The compulsory use of the new methodology is provided for the programs starting in 2022.
Due to the interest of the automotive suppliers, especially of rank 1 (T1), our company, Effective Flux, has already started delivering the training for the new methodology, including providing consultancy for a smooth transition to the adoption of the new FMEA AIAG / VDA standard, v1.

If you would like to know more about the benefits of using FMEA, about its use according to the new FMEA AIAG / VDA standard, v1, we invite you to the following training sessions organized by Effective Flux.
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