The focus of great mentors

Mentoring is that relationship that is formed between an expert and another person who sets goals within the mentor's field of expertise.

The mentoring relationship does not imply a power ratio, the position of the mentor or the mentee being unimportant. According to the Harvard Business Review, 75% of the workforce in a professional setting says they need a mentor, while only 37% actually have one. We are used to mentoring relationships only when we think of junior colleagues who join us in the company, but mentoring is the most appropriate relationship even for high levels of seniority in a field.

In relation to the mentee, a good mentor focuses not only on his career, his professional achievements and career successes but also on their entire personality and life, which brings them closer to the mentee and earns their trust.
Great mentors tell their story, ask powerful questions, teach their "apprentices" to complete projects or how to achieve their goals, using personal experience and focusing on those personal examples that defined them as individuals, as personalities - throughout their life.

The pleasure of sharing experiences, ups and downs in one's personal career represents the differentiator between a mediocre mentor and a great one.
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