Today’s HR and the HR of the future

The functions of the human resources department have changed and are constantly changing depending on the business architecture, but also on the needs and transformations at the individual level of the business professionals.

According to 'by 2025, we can expect human resources professionals to take on the role of coach for success, to guide the business based on anticipation of major events with negative impact that may occur, to becomes an essential part of the HR strategy '. How can this happen? The specialists in the field of human resources will have to assume the role of those who guide the employees during their journey from junior to senior level, of those who facilitate this path for the employees, by offering training opportunities, permanently accompanying them during their life cycle within the organization.

Along with these transformations, the most sought after skills in a specialist in the field of human resources are nuanced; as a result, the specialist who has skills of data collection and analysis of HR (Analytics Capabilities) becomes the competitive one, who has strategic thinking in human resource planning, knowledge and skills and also organizational design or leadership skills.

In the future, the skills of human resources specialists will be constantly subject to development and transformation: now analytics, in the future - digital transformation, now organizational design - business transformation in the future, now running defined processes and activities, future rapid adaptation to resource trends.

Human resource management must find the right arguments, adopt modern approaches in business relationships in order to contribute with maximum potential to the success of organizations. The need to adapt to current trends and assume them thus become mandatory.


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