IATF 16949:2016 vs. ISO 9001:2015

Want to access the automotive supplier market?
If you are sure you want more projects with large volumes (but with relatively small profit margins and with a few more headaches), the solution is the proper implementation and management of a Quality Management System according to the IATF 16949: 2016 standard.

The IATF standard 16949: 2016 is based on ISO 9001: 2015 and defines the requirements of a Quality Management System for the design and development, production and, if applicable, service of products in the automotive industry.

Theoretically, the transition from an ISO 9001 certification to IATF 16949 should not be felt much but in practice the effort is quite large.

What would be the "small" differences between ISO 9001: 2015 and IATF 16949: 2016?

- more documentation in the automotive environment: working instructions are a "must" and the procedures are more numerous
- IATF 16949 requires the evaluation and inclusion of the Client Specific Requirements (CSR) in the Quality Management System, aspect not found in ISO 9001
- monitoring the performance of the organization according to IATF 16949 is based on following the trend of the various indicators not only on reaching or not reaching their targets (new and compared to the previous version - ISO TS)
- IATF 16949 calls for the definition and implementation of corporate responsibility, anti-bribery and escalation policies for ethics
- contingency plans must be defined, implemented, tested and reviewed periodically, at least annually
- IATF 16949 requires the use of the Lean principles from the factory definition stage (layout). It is new and compared to the previous version (ISO TS)!
- the competencies of the internal (system, process, product) or second party auditors are clearly defined in IATF 16949. This fact has created many discussions regarding the issuance of the certificates of first and second party auditors!
- the use of statistical techniques for production control is widely required in IATF 16949. Mda, stability, capacity (SPC), MSA, process variation….
- when defining the requirements for products and services IATF 16949 requires them to include aspects regarding recycling and environmental impact. No wonder considering what's around us!
- for monitoring the performance of suppliers and customer satisfaction IATF 16949 defines minimum criteria. Not bad: we already know what to do in the procedure 😊
- management analysis according to IATF 16949 is much more complex, the volume of information to be analyzed and presented is much higher than ISO 9001
- IATF 16949 provides very clearly the actions to be taken in the case of reprocessing or repair activities
- IATF 16949 requires the determination and use of appropriate error prevention methodologies (poka yoke)

If we have not yet scared you and still want to take the big step towards automotive, so preparing for an IATF 16949 certification, we are waiting for the next training sessions organized by Effective Flux or you can contact us for details regarding personalized consulting.

For details www.effectiveflux.com or office@effectiveflux.com
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Phone: +40 357 805 456
E-mail: office@effectiveflux.com
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