IATF - remote audits during COVID-19

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic affected all branches of industry, with automotive production being one of the hardest hit.
In addition to the existing problems in 2019 with the availability of labor and the decrease of orders, there was also a less known and discussed issue, the conduct of audits in pandemic conditions.

Due to the pandemic, many organizations were forced to discontinue their activities for a shorter or longer period, which in many cases led to the expiry of the IATF certificates or the impossibility of conducting audits on time, according to the rules. IATF (5th edition).
The IATF also welcomed the organizations for the entire current year, no later than January 1, 2021, if the organizations were able to demonstrate a clear link with the COVID-19 pandemic, allowed the extension of the validity period of the certificates and the one in which audits may be performed, whether initial, supervisory or recertification.

Another facility granted by the IATF is the extension of the management period for possible non-conformities discovered during audits. Practically, with all the extensions granted, the organizations had a period of 210 calendar days from the closing session of an audit until the moment when the final decision on the continuation or withdrawal of the certification was taken.

Although the IATF generally prefers to conduct onsite audits, the last facility granted to organizations was to conduct remote audits, when the organization can demonstrate that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, onsite audits cannot be performed.
The remote audit is carried out similar to the onsite one but using electronic / IT technologies, more precisely videoconferences in which the auditor gathers the necessary records and evaluates them to determine the degree of compliance with the audit criteria.

Remote audits are performed for both manufacturing sites and remote support locations. Regarding the duration of the remote audit, organizations should expect a 10% extension of the audit time, but not more than 8 hours. This time is required for the auditor to plan the activities required for remote audit.

To plan the remote audit, the auditor may request the organization to:
  • the duration of the interrupted activity, if any
  • restart plans, including identified risks
  • extraordinary actions taken
  • lost resources (permanent or temporary)
  • changes in regulations or operating conditions
  • the list of the organization's clients, with the identification of the active ones
If some of the planned actions cannot be performed during the audit, for example due to technical errors / video conference interruptions, the corresponding time period will be added to the next planned audit aspect which will have to be mentioned in the final report and explained by auditor at the closing meeting.

Caution: The IATF may monitor or observe the planning or conduct of a remote audit, this cannot be denied by organizations!
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