Implementation of the new product - takeover in production

Project takeover in the operational area is a transition process initiated when a project is completed or nearing completion and enters series production. This transition of a project into production must follow the plan established with the terms and activities corresponding to the project management.

The introduction of new products that consumers and customers require requires detailed information, time and dedicated resources from an organization. Companies that successfully develop and launch new or revised products regularly follow a structured and well-planned process. The introduction of the new product (NPI) helps to bring together all the right resources at the right time.

With shorter life cycles and the demand for a greater variety of products, continuous pressure is placed on design teams to produce a wider and varied portfolio of new product opportunities and to manage the risks associated with their progress from initial development to development. at the final launch. However, the complexity and number of activities of a transfer are huge and differ from company to company depending on the project management. Project teams are multidisciplinary teams composed of the departments required for the project (Logistics, Development, Engineering, Finance, Quality, Production, Human Resources / training) and have clearly defined roles coordinated by a project leader.

The continuation of the project in production involves a series of preparation actions in advance, actions that start from the protopus phase. It is recommended that these prototypes be built together with the production and the people responsible for the operational training activities for a better optimization of the production process. The operational part must have knowledge of volumes, processes, special requirements and production flow in order to make an implementation and start-up plan that includes the recruitment and training of operators as well as product planning according to customer demand.

Most transfers in production face the following problems:
• Lack of effective communication is the strongest barrier
• Testing of new products and processes during the transfer
• The objectives of research and development are not known in production
• Start continuous improvement before production stabilizes

For a new process or product to be successful in mass production, it must have the active support of the company's management. An efficient transfer of a new program involves a large amount of communication and team collaboration :)
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