Process Engineer - Pilot of continuous process improvement

Immediately after the revolution, in that period of restructuring and nebulous in connection with the professional future, many engineers gave up the profession and started selling or went abroad after a better life.
In recent years, with the return of economic growth that has revived the market, engineers have begun to be sought after again.

Process engineers, the basic category in production, are among the most specialized engineers when it comes to execution technology but also when we talk about the process of continuous improvement.
Process engineers implement, maintain and improve production processes so that the requirements of internal and / or external customers are met.

They validate process parameters, record, update and verify process parameter sheets and are responsible for the design, implementation, control and optimization of industrial processes.

A separate chapter among the process engineer's concerns is problem solving.
The process engineer, through his role of promoter of improvement, develops skills in the continuous approach and solution of problems encountered during current activities within an organized system, for continuous improvement.
For this, process engineers must know the tools to solve problems such as: Process Map, IPO Diagram, Ishikawa or Fish Bone Diagram, 5 Why, Brainstorming, graphical representation and data analysis, etc.
Process engineers are involved in data collection techniques, problem analysis and cause analysis, quantification and allocation of resources needed to improve processes, all of which have the effect of increasing the competitiveness of the companies they work for.

They need to have knowledge and act both to satisfy customers, reduce delivery time, increase flexibility in meeting customer requirements (Voice of Customer) and reduce consumption and costs, increase productivity (Voice of Business).

In conclusion, the process engineer is an intellectual category indispensable to the development and evolution of companies that must be able to assimilate scientific, technical, economic and social knowledge to create products or provide quality services but also to understand and promote continuous improvement.
Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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