A job interview should not be perceived as questionin

As inappropriate as it may seem for 2021, the questioning of candidates is still being practiced. The difference between an interview and an interrogation is, at the moment of that discussion, almost imperceptible, but completely perceptible at the end of it, when the candidate leaves with that perplexed expression after the famous phrase of the 'interviewer': 'We will contact you if we will go further '….

The attitude of the questioner represents a defining component of the meaning of the employment discussion. If the HR specialist and the hiring manager show a respectful attitude during the interview, curious about authentic and benevolent clarifications, there are chances to create that atmosphere specific to an interview, but superior, dominant, inquisitive attitudes create the atmosphere of interrogation.

The confusion between job interviews and interrogation techniques does not devalue the candidate's skills or his/her suitability for that position for which we organize the interviews, but reflects the incompetence of the recruiters and managers who are present in those failed discussions. It is not uncommon for candidates to be asked more or less relevant questions about the 'breaks' in the CV or the description of the responsibilities mentioned at a former job, in an inappropriate tone - during the employment discussion. These approaches show suspicion, distrust or arrogance of the interviewer.

Friendly, respectful attitudes based on trust in the candidate's professionalism will never lower the quality of the interview, but help increase the quality of the candidates' experience and signify the professionalism of those who organize the interviews, helping to strengthen the company’s brand.

The arrogance and the dominant attitude in the job interview, although still practiced, are old-fashioned and inefficient, contributing to the damage of the image of companies on the market, but also having a negative impact on the profession of ‘human resources specialist’.
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