Conflict management in warehouses

Warehouses - those buildings or annexes where we move goods - such a simple definition generates the image of an anthill, many who walk, many who see to their needs ... but when there are so many different movements and activities that depend on each other, with a high level of stress, it is normal for sparks to appear from time to time (far too often, by the way).

In general, as in all departments, there is a formal and informal hierarchical structure in the warehouses - which leads to conflicts. But this conflict is less common when people or positions change, and that doesn't happen every day.

It often happens that people in the warehouse need their colleagues from other departments: quality, maintenance, supply, production ... and these colleagues do not do their job properly (or rather as people expect them to), and then we have inter and intra-departmental conflicts. Equally often, problems occur with customers or suppliers, to whom the warehouse employees do not have direct access (and it's better that way) and then there is a frustration of not being able to ask for explanations from the person who wronged you. So there appears another type of conflict: with the representatives of customers and suppliers, colleagues from Supply and Customer Service or their carriers. The Favorite victims of logistics - whether they are to blame or not, the carriers are to blame! Always!

Warehouse conflicts are often good stories to tell over a beer, with hilarious manifestations and solutions, often unconventional and full of ingenuity. But there are also cases when such a conflict can degenerate and even become violent - many people forget that forklifts can lift 2-3-5 tons - that is, enough to overturn an empty truck, not to mention the destructive power of forklift blades on walls, cars, etc.

Therefore, one of the ways to manage conflicts is to streamline activities and standardize - the more, the better - not only for warehouse employees, but also for EVERYONE who sets foot in the warehouse. For this reason (and many others), it is recommended to secure access to the warehouse, so that only those who need to enter the warehouse do it and it doesnțt become a promenade space - limiting the occurrence of conflicts.

Another way to reduce internal conflicts in warehouses is to make sure that everyone has a job and that tasks are shared as evenly as possible, between operators and between workshifts. But before turning to the "whip", we can try with the good: motivated employees, who have all the technical means and knowledge necessary to perform activities, organization that allows the growth and development of employees, work schedule and, above all, RESPECT among employees.

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