Transport management - suggestions for the future

From the very beginning Supply Chain Management (SCM), whose existence was defined as the process dealing with the management of inventories and costs in the distribution chain, it was observed that the orientation only towards the management of inventories was not sufficient to improve and optimize. logistics costs. Transport management has been and continues to be one of the difficult topics to tackle in logistics.

Transport represents 25-30% of the logistics costs of the distribution chain, of their good functioning depending on the processes of production, distribution and the level of customer satisfaction. Also, before opening the box, pallet or receiving the product by the customer, the means of transport and the driver (the courier) are our business card, the first contact that the customer has physically with us.

The recent development of the Blockchain, the unwavering direction of the European Community towards Industry 4.0, leads us to a future as interesting as it is complicated to implement in the absence of adequate infrastructure. Industry 4.0 leads to production and autonomous and robotic SCM, Blockchain solves most of the traceability and the problems of origin of the materials, but both need efficient transport management. Just as Kanban works properly only if we have high accuracy of Kanban stocks and boxes correctly calculated, automation will only work if internal and external transit times are correct and continuously corrected.

For internal transit times, there are many processes for defining and maintaining them, for external transit times, as most industries prefer (because of the high costs) to outsource transport services, maintaining them is very difficult. The existence of many variables such as poor or very crowded infrastructure, aging and reducing the number of drivers existing in the market, increasing the direct costs for transport and increasing the price of fuels globally, led, logically, to the next possible future development: autonomous and robotic transport. Since last year, the installation of RFID reading ports and exact GPS location for freight transport began on the highways of France. There is still more work to be done, but things are already moving towards a future that seems detached from science fiction books.

We invite you to the courses organized by Effective Flux to discover together ways to make efficient and optimized transport management,
as well as to discuss what we can do to prepare for the future in door knocking.
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