Materials Management Operations Guidelines/Logistics Evaluation V5

Initially defined to establish the requirements of the quality standard in the Automotive Industry for Logistics, MMOG / LE, or the Instructions for Materials Operations Management / Logistics Evaluation, it has become one of the most important tools for standardizing operations in the Automotive industry. The instrument has a multiple role:
• Defining a common language throughout the automotive industry regarding otherwise differently perceived notions (eg stock level, recovery plan, safety stocks, service level, etc.).
• Establishing a benchmark at the industry level
• Defining the minimum required in operations in order to become a supplier in the automotive industry
• Allows for a comprehensive assessment of the capability and performance of the SCM Distribution Chain

Initially defined on ISO TS requirements, with the transition to the new IATF 16949 quality standard, MMOG / LE followed the requirements of the automotive industry standards and evolved with them. In the current V5 version, MMOG / LE comes with modifications at the level of criteria modified as importance, classification and scoring compared to variant 4, and brings in addition the current needs of the industry, also valid for Supply Chain Management - SCM ) namely:
• Communication technology
• IT security
• Auditing standards in the Logistics area
• Need for a risk management process for the organization, when required to operate outside of normal operations.
• Elimination of the Excel form for self-audit and switching to the cloud platform.

The implementation of the MMOG / LE requirements is a step forward in the development of the Distribution Chain by streamlining the information and material processes, increasing the competitiveness of the companies by improving the logistics performance, bringing value to the final customer and differentiating between suppliers and preferred suppliers.
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