Microsoft Power BI

For some time, the area of ​​Business Intelligence has gone from predominantly IT to what we call self-service business intelligence. We need to process and analyze data much more often than we did before, on all levels, not just in the management area. We need to automate our processes and access information faster, in real time. Let's see how Microsoft Power BI can help us.

From the beginning we must admit that the old BI solutions were the result of the collaboration between analysts and IT engineers, and they had control over the data. To generate new reports, users had to send them a list of requirements, which had to be approved and then put into action. The solution could come after days or even weeks. Under these conditions, data analysis and business decision making were not done in real time. This lost time can be transformed into financial losses due to an exponential increase in the volume of data but also of the variety of requirements.

A Business Intelligence solution is a set of software applications, with an intuitive and easy-to-use graphical interface, intended for collecting, processing and analyzing information from different data sources. These solutions come to help any decision maker to generate the reports he needs without the direct support of an IT specialist. IT engineers have the role of ensuring secure access to data sources and information anytime and anywhere, depending on the role of the employee in the company.

Microsoft Power BI is a combination of three elements:
- visual analysis,
- data processing and analysis,
- cloud data analytics solution.

Microsoft Power BI is characterized by:
- uses a very wide range of data sources,
- a very powerful in-memory computing engine,
- ETL data extraction and preparation - Extract, Transform, Load
- data modeling
- templates but also customizable viewing elements
- a cloud platform for sharing control panels.
- desktop solution but also Android / iOS mobile

Microsoft Power BI contains a number of components, some of which are also found in Microsoft Excel:
- Power BI Desktop (desktop development solution)
- Power Query - Excel
- Power Pivot (in-memory data modeling) - Excel
- Power View - Excel
- Power Map (3D geospatial view) - Excel
- Power Q&A (natural language response query and display engine).
- Website (storage and sharing - cloud service)
- Power BI Mobile Apps (Power BI applications on Android, iOS and Windows Phones)

In other words, we extract the data and transform it with Power Query and the result is introduced in a Power Pivot model. The visualization of the model is done through graphic elements with Power View or Power Map. All this through the development tool - Power BI Desktop editor. Finally, the locally produced Power BI solution can be published on the PowerBI site to be viewed by others interactively.

Moreover, through Power Q&A we interact using natural language (English) to display the desired information (eg Total revenue by regio as a treemap).
If you are an advanced user of Microsoft Excel you can definitely become a Microsoft Power BI user.
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