Motion Study - MT

The time measurement method (MTM) is a predetermined system of time of movement, used mainly in industrial environments, to analyze the methods used to perform any operation or manual task and, as a product of that analysis, to establish the standard time in which a worker should complete a certain task. MTM was launched in 1948 and today it exists in several variants, known as MTM-1, MTM-2, MTM-UAS, etc. Some MTM standards are outdated, including MTM-3 and MMMM.

The methodology used for this system was to video record with constant speed, using video cameras such as traffic monitoring or fixed radars, of qualified operators from the production lines. Each filming sequence was then evaluated by several industrial engineers. These evaluations had to be as close as possible, otherwise the sequence was not taken into account.

 "Motion Study" is the study of body movements used in performing a task to develop the most efficient way of working. It helps us to:

- Eliminate unnecessary movements

- Simplify the necessary movements

- Facilitate and accelerate efficient movements

- Adopt the most favorable sequence of movement

The first step in the study of movement is to establish the elements of movement which can be: selection, grasping, touching, moving, pressing, releasing, positioning, inspecting, etc.

The development of the principles of the movement economy is the next step to consider and as examples we enumerate the following:
- Both hands should start and end their movements at the same time and should not be inactive at the same time, except during rest periods.
- Continuous curved hand movements are preferable to straight line movements that involve sudden changes of direction
- The movements of the arms should be done symmetrically and simultaneously towards or from the center of the body

Subsequently, the role of engineers was to analyze the elements of motion in the different phases of the process applying the principles of motion economy and optimizing the working method.                                                                                    


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