MUDA (Waste - identification and categories)

The activities are divided into two categories: activities with value (VA) and activities without value (NVA).
Dumb / waste is defined as any activity that consumes resources without creating value for the customer.

Besides MUDA, there are also MURA and MURI, but both lead to MUDA.
The first means unevenness / imbalance between operations, in processes. MURI, refers to the overloading of equipment or operators.
Non-value added (NVA) activities can be divided into eight types:
  • Defects
  • Overproduction
  • Waiting times
  • Supraprocesarea
  • Transport
  • inventories
  • trips
  • Waste of talent
Transport: Whenever raw materials are moved, work in progress or even finished goods, it must have a purpose.

Stocks: Having too many types of stocks is very wasteful. Minimizing inventory levels to meet demand is another form of waste reduction.

Unnecessary movements: If an operator moves away from the equipment during the production of a product, it is a waste. Positioning the equipment in an intelligent way that maximizes its efficiency will help to avoid downtime or delays caused by the movement of equipment.

Waiting and Delay: If you have to stop production while waiting for a component, employee, or anything else, it wastes.
Overproduction: Using inefficient processes that lead to spending time and energy creating something that a customer will not use is a great form of waste.

Overprocessing: Overprocessing is always spending time and energy to improve a product when the customer will not pay extra for it.

Defects: While defects are sometimes inevitable, their number should be kept to a minimum.

Waste of talent: Which means not using employees' knowledge or exploiting their potential at true value.
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