
Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most efficient way.
The team receives the goals, understands them and commits to achieving them. Team motivation is strengthened when the organization has clear expectations regarding its work, goals, responsibility and results.

From the point of view of team building, they can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. By homogeneity, the team will be much faster aligned with the objectives and the way of working, but a heterogeneous team, even if it will have conflicts, offers more perspectives to approach the problems.

In order to increase the team, to achieve the performance, according to the Tuckman model, the team goes through the following phases:
  • Training is the phase in which the team members begin to know each other, in which the pressure reaction of each member can be observed.
  • The storm, the painful and unpleasant step, but necessary for the creation of the team, in which the confrontation of ideas and opinions begin to appear.
  • Regulation is the phase in which the team manages to have a common goal, and the team members assume the responsibility to work for success.
  • Performance, a step in which not all teams succeed, a phase where teams can work efficiently and effectively even without supervision, in which team members are motivated, autonomous, and capable of making the right decisions.
A useful tool for team efficiency is the Qualification Matrix.
With this help you can identify the risk / insufficiently covered positions and thus act by planning the necessary training.
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