Over time, man has built tools to make his work easier and more productive. They have been continuously improved and become more and more efficient. Each industrial revolution brought new tools and technologies. I called some of them robots.
Brief history of the appearance of robots:
- 1938 - the first attempt to make a robot in anthropomorphic design, by the American engineer Wenslei (Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Co.)
- 1940 - the use of the first synchronous manipulators for the handling of radioactive substances is mentioned
- 1954 - The first industrial robot used in American manufacturing. Called Unimate (created by Unimation), the robot was used by General Motors at the New Jersey plant in 1961.
- 1968 - Kawasaki Havy Ind. Takes over UNIMATE robots for large-scale manufacturing
- 1982 - the first Romanian industrial robot, REMT - 1, is put into operation at Electromotor Timișoara.
The use of industrial robots to automate certain tasks in the production of vehicles and other products helps to reduce costs, increase efficiency and achieve a pace that no human can achieve.
In order for production robots to maintain their optimum efficiency and functionality, and given that these machines are subject to normal wear and tear over time (due to the repetitive nature of the tasks they perform), it is important that they be regularly inspected and performed. necessary maintenance and repairs.
The optimal performance of the robots can be best maintained through a regular preventive maintenance activity. Most figures are based on a period of about 4000 operating hours, which means that the production robot should be subjected to preventive maintenance after operating this number of hours.
For more precise information we must refer to the "Mechanical Unit Maintenance Manual" and the "Electrical Unit Maintenance Manual" of each type of robot.
If regular preventive maintenance is not performed on robots, we run the risk of experiencing the following problems:
- Deviation from the programmed position
- Repeatability issues
- Damage to cables
- Loss of programs
- Safety issues.
What do you say, is the cost of maintenance and utilities high, compared to the advantages that a robot offers? The fact that today more and more factories integrate robots into their processes proves that they have emerged winners in terms of the effectiveness of their use.
I'm curious what will happen next ...