New trends and needs in the area of ​​extra-salary benefits

In order to stay on top of the market, companies need to adapt to new trends in employee life both in the company and in private.

The year 2022 comes, or it should do so, with an increasing concern of employers for the well-being of employees, in order to keep them focused at work. In this regard, employers should consider offering new, diverse benefits adapted to the needs of employees in this post-pandemic period.

The emphasis on the mental health of employees is materialized in medical benefits in the area of ​​psychotherapy, psychological counseling.
Now, employees know the benefits of working remotely and want to work this way for as long as possible. According to a survey, 98% of workers want the option of working remotely for the rest of their careers. Although the continuation of work from home is a strong trend, companies seem to be in a hurry to return to the before the pandemic model, which will cause demotivation and non-involvement of employees, making working from home one of the competitive non-wage benefits in the market.
The growing need for employees to spend time with family or doing personal projects outside the workplace, causes companies to offer this benefit, materialized in several paid days off or the increase in the number of days off per year.

Facilitating access to professional development programs remains in the top of extra-salary benefits in 2022 as well.

Adapting to new needs and trends is mandatory in order to work with involved, dedicated and high-performing people.
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