Work norm and types of norms

Generally speaking, when we talk about standardization, we refer to time, production or personnel norms. Could we consider the work norm as an important factor in the organization and planning of production? Does this have an impact on the salary system?
The time norm represents the time allocated for the execution of a work task by a worker with a certain qualification, in certain technical-organizational conditions. It is the most important norm because other types of norms are determined on its basis.
It applies mainly to the distribution of the labor force of workers engaged in heterogeneous work and it is expressed in units of time, such as: seconds, minutes or hours per unit of production.
For operations or products that change frequently or have a long execution time, the most appropriate form of expression of the work norm is the time norm.
The production norm represents the quantity of goods or its value equivalent, which must be produced in a certain unit of time and is expressed in: pieces, meters or kilograms per unit of time.
Both the time norm and the production norm represent two forms of expression of the workload that is quantified.
In cases where the remuneration is made according to working hours or overtime, the work norm is expressed in the form of workload or in the form of the area of repartition.
Staff norms represent the number of operators with a certain qualification and specialization required and assigned to an organizational division of the enterprise or to carry out certain operations.
A very important aspect regarding the labor standardization is that it applies to all categories of employees, this being also specified in Art. 131, according to the Romanian labor code.
The need to focus on the correctness of work rules and, in particular, on that of time rules, is at the heart of any organization that wants to increase its profit and, at the same time, have motivated employees. Therefore, the verification of standard times is done cyclically or after each change of the working method.

The failure to take into account the degree of fulfillment of work norms leads to: demotivated staff, wrong planning, technical unemployment or even bankruptcy.
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