Standardization as a challenge between efficiency and human capacity

Performance orientated Managers know that time is measurable and continuous and time management is a priority for the success of a business.

Frederick Winslow Taylor's philosophy focused on the belief that getting people to work as hard as possible is not as effective as optimizing the way they do that work. Thus, in order to be able to optimize a job, we must be able to analyze it through different methods and standardize it.

Starting from work tasks, which should be designed in such a way as to be as complete as possible and of course to pave the way for cooperation with other employees by including the employee in the planning process, we increasingly encounter situations where we need to find innovative solutions.

If, due to the specific nature of the activity, the workloads for some operations, works or services cannot be measured in the form of production rules, they are expressed as the actual working time required to carry out those operations, works or services, in the form of time norms.

The time norm can be established based on different procedures, such as: analysis of working time consumption (when there are no labor norms), calculation of the necessary working time (based on labor norms) or by comparison with standard norms of work time.
The challenge arises when there are no norms or standard time rules and the analysis of time consumption must be done as correctly as possible as not to demotivate the staff but to support them in achieving future goals and aknowledge their valuable contribution.





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