Preventive maintenance

What does preventive maintenance mean? It is a regularly planned, repetitive activity, made to keep the equipment in working order and to optimize their efficiency and accuracy.

This activity involves routine operations such as periodic cleaning, lubrication, testing, calibration and adjustment, wear check and possibly replacement of components.

Preventive maintenance is performed while the equipment is functional and has the role of reducing the risk of unexpected failure. It must be planned in such a way that any necessary resources are available.
The equipment that is suitable for preventive maintenance are those that:
  • have a critical operating function
  • they have failure modes that can be prevented with regular maintenance
  • they have a probability of defect that increases with time or with use.

By applying preventive maintenance, we extend the useful life of the equipment, find small problems before they become large, keep the equipment safer and significantly reduce unplanned downtime.

So, rely on preventive maintenance because it creates comfort, safety and cost savings.
Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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