“It is not enough to take a step every day that leads us to a goal; each step must be in itself an objective and a step towards the fulfillment of the goal at the same time. "- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Are my goals well established? What about my subordinates' goals?
Do we use objectives to motivate the staff?
The objectives that have been established transform the strategic objectives of the entire company into the objectives of each organizational unit and, ultimately, those of each employee.
This expression of the established objective results from the fact that in a conversation both the supervisor or the manager and the staff members discuss the objective and reach an agreement.
At the base of the agreed objectives we have two elements: the target and the steps that must be taken in order to achieve them. Surveys have shown that the goals that are the most motivating and beneficial for increasing job satisfaction are those that are not only challenging and achievable, but also those that contain enough flexibility to give staff members room for their own decisions.
But what do we do when we fail to achieve our goals?
If we do not achieve them, do we seek support from supervisors or managers?
When set incorrectly, goals risk bringing more harm than good, and companies' performances are significantly affected. For this reason, organizations should look more closely at this.
There are also "side effects" that strongly affect the performance of companies: limited focus in the area related to the goal to be achieved and implicitly neglecting other areas; an increase in unethical behavior or loss of intrinsic motivation to work. All these are due to the fact that the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives are closely related to financial rewards or penalties.