Production Planning – Loss and Profit!

Product planning is the brain of a production unit, the product represents a strong resistance (bone and muscle) and logistics for circulatory care, if needed, food and cleaning the "body". It is very important to plan the production and the first information for a greater correction in time or time, then information on this matter is first planner, the finished product being a correct product planning.

Proper product planning means predictable and high accuracy estimates over the medium and long term, which can lead to sufficient human resources (can take 4-6 weeks, for operator positions), sufficiently equipped (process investment lasts more than 3-6 months, requiring budgets and approvals), sufficient material resources for long-term contracts with suppliers. In the short term or the correct planning of a product means foreseeable consumption of the 3 classes of resources, fulfilling the client's demand or offering a high level of service face-to-face care between the apparent and the competing business.

Any misinformation or that can come later, while agreeing, leads to incorrect planning, which can lead to an estimate of resources. Let's explore a little bit about what this means by using examples of raw materials: if we plan for a short time, the environment and the lungs are of high accuracy, raw material contracts can be made for quantities and foreseeable periods, they can be transposed into an agreement and to use. Thus, it achieves a positive impact on compliance with the terms of delivery, the size of the stocks and the quality, decisions or increase of profit of both parties.

On the other hand, erroneous information (wrong BOM, wrong cycle times, wrong stocks and forecast, etc.) lead to interruptions and congestion in the supply chain and for any urgency and variation, in general there are words for care nobody agrees to auda them: transport and special costs!

Rationing is applicable to all types of resources: human, material (equipment and raw materials) and financing. Uncontrolled planning produces the variation, the variable pipeline of urgent situations, the urgency of the costs for a fixed solution.
The evaluation is permanently improved the "brain" of the organization and offering it the celebrity can thus be organized in terms of maintaining healthy and profitable.
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