Poka-Yoke concept and benefits

Poka Yoke is a commonly used method in Lean Manufacturing to ensure as few errors in a production process as possible. A "poka" is an "unintentional error" and "yokeru" is Japanese for "prevention", so Poka Yoke is a mechanism that prevents a mistake or makes the mistake obvious at first glance.

Poka Yoke is used to prevent and resolve defects during the production process, eliminating the need for quality control after the process.

Poka Yoke makes it practically very difficult or impossible to make mistakes. It forces actions to be performed correctly, leaving no room for misunderstandings.
Many solutions in Poka Yoke tend to be simple, cheap and effective. They can be integrated into the product design or in one of the process steps.

The 3 fundamental principles are not to accept any defect, not to produce any defect and not to let any defect go on. In order to adhere to these principles, we must consider Prevention and Detection.
Prevention - makes it very difficult / impossible to make an error and thus removes the need for correction.
Detection - alerts the operator to an error.

The most common 3 types of Poke Yoke are:
  • Visual aids: These aids are clear and look like work instructions. They can be icons in a user manual or a traffic sign that has a restriction or warning.
  • Visual control: refers to the direction of behavior and warning in case of deviations.
  • Safety rules: force the user to either do or not do something.

It seems simple and usually requires low costs.
Ah, it takes something else: team involvement and determination to complete the task.
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