PPAP - Production part approval process

The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is designed to demonstrate that a supplier has developed its design and production process to meet customer requirements, minimizing the risk of failure through the efficient use of APQP. Therefore, the request for approval of the new product must be accepted in official PPAP format and with documented results.

The latest PPAP edition, published by AIAG, has been completely restructured to describe the requirements regarding the approval of new or modified parts.
PPAP is required for all components and materials incorporated into the finished product and may also be required if the components are processed by external subcontractors.
The PPAP document package uses quality tools, such as PFMEA, control plan, MSA but also the drawing of the piece, the capacity data, etc.
PPAP is confirmation that the product meets customer requirements for mass production. It will be considered approved when a PSW is signed by the customer.
Developed by the German automotive industry, VDA 2-Production Process & a Product Approval defines a structured approach to product and process approval. It comes from the German auto industry, equivalent to the production part approval process (PPAP) developed by the American auto industry, under the auspices of AIAG.
Some German companies such as VW and BMW use the term ISIR (initial sample inspection report). The ISIR form is standardized by VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V., in short), a group of car manufacturers, as well as suppliers of automotive components from the German industry. The term is used by other companies such as Hyundai and Kia.
PPAP should be considered seriously by the Supplier, as it is a good opportunity to check to what extent it has the quality and production capacity ready for volume.
Where problems are identified, there is still time to fix them before mass production, where they could create major problems (including financial).
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