The process of integrating employees in the virtual environment

When we hire a person for a position whose duties will be performed 100% online, their integration into the organization becomes even more important for the proper conduct of future activities and for building efficient rapport between team members.

The reality of 2021 has brought most HR specialists in the face of extremely diverse situations: full teams working permanently online, mixed teams - colleagues interacting face to face with colleagues working online, teams working online only part of the time, etc. Given this context, it is impossible for an HR responsible to avoid rethinking or even redefining the integration processes within organizations.

Even if the integration of new employees in the online environment respects the same principles of the process that takes place in the physical environment, the employer and HR specialists must pay more attention to some specific aspects:

- Clear and organized transmission of organizational processes and procedures
- Formal communication (workshops, workshops, presentations, reporting) becomes even more important for the general integration process of new employees
- Communication technology and equipment (computers, software, telephones) must be provided even before the start of the employment relationship, being indispensable in communicating with newcomers

Informal communication (in the cafe, in the lobby, in the office) disappears completely when work moves to a virtual environment, which for a newcomer can be a real problem in acquiring and learning communication, relationship or professional skills which are essential for success. Consequently, HR managers and the management team are 100% responsible for avoiding these situations by defining or redefining the integration processes of newcomers.
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