Professional statistical programs: MINITAB

Minitab is a powerful data analysis and graphing software used worldwide.
Minitab helps companies monitor process trends, easily apply automotive / aero (SPC, MSA) requirements and solve even the most complex problems.
Main uses:
  • Graphic analysis (Histogram, Boxplot, Dotplot, Bar Chart, Time Series Plot, Pareto Chart, Graphical Summary etc),
  • Testing normality and identifying the type of distribution
  • Statistical Process Control: Stability (I-MR control charts, Xbar-R, P chart, etc.) and Capability (Normal / Non-normal data)
  • Provides many methods to help us easily evaluate quality in an objective and quantitative way - MSA (continuous and / or discrete data)
  • Testing the hypotheses (ANOVA, Regression, Median Moods, etc)
  • Investigating the effects of input variables (factors) on an output variable (response): DOE
Minitab is used to provide experts involved in process improvement (quality, engineering, maintenance, etc.), including Six Sigma projects (much more complex as statistical tools).
Minitab offers all these easy-to-use functions for quality management and is used by a lot of top companies such as General Electric, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, 3M, Honeywell International, LG, Toshiba, Nokia and other reputable companies.
Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
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