QRQC - Quick Response Quality Control

Usually, PROBLEMS are viewed in everyday life as a real pain and something that must be avoided at all costs.
In business, PROBLEMS can lead to low productivity, poor quality, high costs and ultimately loss of customers if they are not dealt with quickly and completely prevented their recurrence.
The QRQC method can be used for:
• resolve and respond to a customer complaint
• solve an internal problem, selected on the basis of its importance.

It is suitable for problems of medium complexity and consists of 8 steps:
• D1 - Establishing the team
• D2 - Description of the problem
• D3 - Development of intermediate safety actions
• D4 - Identify root causes for generation and for poor detection
• D5 - Selection and verification of permanent corrective actions for the root cause and the point where the problem arises
• D6 - Implementation and validation of permanent corrective actions
• D7 - Prevention of recurrence
• D8 - Lesson learned, presentation of results and recognition of team contributions.

QRQC can be successfully applied if:
• the symptoms have been defined and quantified
• the clients and the parts affected by the symptoms were identified
• Quantifications of the symptoms demonstrating the priority and deviation from performances are available
• the cause is unknown
• the management is willing to allocate the resources necessary to solve the problem at the root cause level and in order to prevent the recurrence
• the complexity of the symptom exceeds the ability to solve a person.

Of course, to find out more details, we invite you to take part in Effective Flux sessions, where we will certainly be able to answer all the questions regarding this topic.
Address: Bd. Decebal, nr. 18, ap. 2
310133 - Arad, jud. Arad, Romania
Phone: +40 357 805 456
E-mail: office@effectiveflux.com
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