Staff recruitment occurred during World War II. CVs and recruitment agencies also appeared in the next decade. Since then and until 2021, many aspects of staff recruitment have improved, refined, refined, but can we say that something has changed in recruitment activities? The answer is no.
However, with a simple internet search, you can find dozens of trainings, courses, workshops on staff recruitment. Do these courses and workshops reinvent the wheel ? Yes and no.
In terms of recruitment activities, much has not changed since World War II, except for the "recruiter" and the "recruit". We, who are the "first impression" of the company in front of the candidate, have changed our expectations, we have enriched our knowledge, we represent a different culture, a different value, we pursue different goals. The war we are recruiting for is being waged in other areas, in a different context, for other causes and with other weapons. In turn, the candidates, "recruits", are different "soldiers", fighting for different causes, with different weapons.
For this reason, participation in courses and seminars on "Staff Recruitment" will not bring new information or cannot be easily found in books or on various recruitment sites, but will bring what, for the time being, only in the course or seminar space can be found: the experience of those who have led some significant "battles" in recruitment, whether lost or won.
Each trainer can bring with them an idea, an inspiring phrase, an emotion, which will continuously change the recruitment process, turning it into something new from year to year, into something different from decade to decade.
Maybe… there is no recruitment, but staff recruitment…