The distribution of workers based on their abilities in the production process

When we talk about "Ability" we refer to a set of theoretical and practical skills resulting from a learning process, representing the total knowledge of any kind, the goal being to put those into practice in order to achieve the desired results.

The recruitment process considers the “voice of the production” which, according to the manufacturing process, identifies and signals the skills that should be covered by future employees, so that after the induction period they can perform as quickly as possible and stay motivated.

The role of management is to provide the right framework, resources, and training to the managers of production jobs so that they can observe (depending on the vacancies) where the right place is for the new employees depending on their skills. Production team leaders should be encouraged not only to assign their subordinate colleagues to their designated workstations, but also to make the necessary changes and rotations - if they identify opportunities for improvement in the coverage of the workstations.

The distribution of tasks in production according to skills is a key point that will make the difference in medium and long term, even though in the short term - the results may be affected to some extent. Any decreases in performance are anticipated by management, without interrupting the process of accommodation and search for the "right person for the right place".

The employees who carry out their activity closest to their abilities, will perform excellently and will even try to exceed their condition, so that their degree of satisfaction and motivation will increase. They will be the first to respond to requests (for overtime), share knowledge and experiences with other team members, which will lead to increased trust between them, forming a united and ambitious team. They will also be motivated to step out of their comfort zone, learn other processes and stations, and improve flexibility within the group.

Investing time and resources in allocating tasks according to each employee's skills will lead to improved performance and efficiency and significantly reduced fluctuation and absenteeism.
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