Robots - the machines that continue to change our lives

From the construction of the first robot in 1770 that could write a 40-character sentence, made by a Swiss watchmaker, and to this day these machines have been amazingly developed, mainly due to the automation revolution in the industry.

A robot is a programmable machine capable of performing a series of actions.

Their shape is not unique, it is consistent with the applications it is used for.

Currently, the largest spread of robots is in the construction industry, they are now present in any economic branch.

The widespread introduction of robots has led to increased efficiency and quality of processes. Preferred places for their integration are those where there are repetitive operations that involve non-ergonomic positions for operators, where large tasks are handled, where the working environment is not human friendly and especially where the speed / pace of work is very high.

Today, due to the development of technology, the integration of robots or cobots (robots working alongside the operator) in a manufacturing process has become quite easy from a financial point of view, the construction being possible in a relatively short time.

Certainly, the use of robots will lead to a change in the economy, the industrial environment and in our lives. Let's hope it will be better for us.
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