The role of creativity in talent managemen

Talent management is defined as the strategic, methodic and organized process of integrating the right talent into the organization and helping it to develop its optimal capabilities, taking into account organizational objectives.

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or opportunities that may be helpful in solving problems, communicating with others, or spending time at work or leisure.

Identifying the necessary talent in the company as well as the gaps between what exists now and what will be needed in the future, and identifying and implementing those ways of integrating talented employees in the organization can not be achieved without a high dose of creativity, which provides those ideas adapted to the needs of these talented employees.

Routine, micromanagement, lack of work sense are demotivating factors for talented employees, although they are fast or well known methods in obtaining results at the moment. The organization, through the voice of managers, must find more complex ways to achieve performance when they want talented teams, step-by-step monitoring of activity or manipulative attitudes inhibiting initiative behaviors, creativity, involvement in the workplace.

Altering sound organizational practices (flexible benefit systems, professional development systems, mentoring programs, outlining career opportunities, etc.), adapting them to the needs of talented employees, requesting and listening to feedback continuously and constantly are creative methods of managing talent.
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