Setting the objectives; SMART

Companies that want to achieve performance need to develop an organizational culture based on goals. And of course these related to performance evaluation for both top and middle management and for individual employees.

Starting from the CEO's vision and strategy, the long-term objectives of the company are defined and they are later broken down at the level of the organization's structures and finally at the individual level.
The power of goals lies in how they create both an action plan for the organization or employee and an assessment tool for measuring progress in the direction set by the management vision and strategy.

Once established, the organization's goals must be known and transformed into SMART goals. The word SMART is an acronym that comes from the following terms:
  • Specific; Clear and well defined. Being specific indicates exactly what you want to achieve.
  • Measurable; A measurable objective is one that allows the exact determination of whether or not that objective has been achieved or to what extent that objective has been achieved. "You Cannot Improve What You Cannot Measure" is also valid in this case. If you measure, you will know exactly when you have reached that specific goal
  • Achievable, or Affordable; The goal must be challenging but at the same time achievable under the given conditions. Existing resources, the capacity of the organization, the necessary available time must be taken into account. Also, the achievement of the goal must depend only on the organization or individual who is responsible for achieving it and not on the actions of another entity.
  • Relevant, Important for the chosen process; Achieving the goal has a major impact on the organization, contributes to achieving an even greater goal or the progress of the company. The relevance of an objective is assessed in relation to the overall objective of that project.
  • Set in Time; It means that the target contains the date by which it is expected to be achieved. This term must also be accessible.
Setting goals using SMART does not necessarily mean that you are miraculously guaranteed to achieve them, but only that you have a better chance of success when you use this method.
To be successful, it is normal to take actions in the most serious way.
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