SigmaXL - among the most popular programs for statistical processing
Have you tried working with SigmaXL? If not, it's time to give it a try. It is a software that comes as an ‘Add-in tool’ to the well-known Microsoft Excel. So if you master Excel well then it means that you will get used to using SigmaXL very easily.
Sigma XL comes with complete sets of graphical and statistical tools used in Six Sigma projects.
As graphic tools I can mention: SPC Control Charts, Pareto Charts, EZ Pivot / Pivot Charts, Histograms, Dotplots, Boxplots, Normal Probability Plots, Run Charts, Multi-Various Charts, Scatter Plots, Analysis of Means (ANOM) Charts.
Among the statistical tools I will list the most used: Descriptive Statistics, Equivalence Tests (TOST), One and Two Sample t-Tests, Paired t-Tests, One-Way and Two-Way ANOVA, Equal Variance tests, Correlation Matrix, Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests, Nonparametric and Nonparametric Exact tests, Minimum Sample Size for Robust t-Tests and ANOVA, Power & Sample Size Calculators.
Well, Canadians did not forget the tools for data manipulation, measurement systems analysis (MSA), process capability (including non-normal process capability) and DOE.
On the market you will be able to download version 8.1 and starting with September 15, version 9 will be released which brings improvements, additions, updates and new sections. For example, you will find another template for FMEA in line with the new AIAG-VDA standard.
If you compare the purchase price of SigmaXL with the price of other programs that have the same graphical and statistical tools you will be pleasantly surprised: it is several times cheaper. If you want to buy the SigmaXL program you can contact Effective Flux which is a dealer in Romania and in addition provides you, if you need, courses on its use.
In conclusion, SigmaXL stands out with the following:
• specializes in Six Sigma projects
• is easy to learn - uses EXCEL features
• has implemented the most used statistical tools for the industrial environment
• Compatible with Microsoft Excel versions starting with 2010 (32/64 bit) versions and up
What do you say? Will the SigmaXL program attract you?