Employees' benefits' system

The system of benefits offered to employees represents the indirect and non-cash compensations paid in addition to the salary package.

The 2021 employer knows that the motivation, involvement of employees and their productivity depends on how appreciated and recognized they feel at work. At the same time, the employees link the appreciation granted to the package of benefits granted. The better it is adapted to their needs, the more they feel appreciated and respected.

To have the desired effect, benefit packages must be chosen wisely, tailored to the exact needs of employees and provided by the best suppliers for the company. Also, the benefits offered must be easy to access but especially suited to the interests of the employee, as well as the profile of the company or field of activity.

Employee needs may vary by generation. The specialists responsible for creating benefit systems know that millennials are among the most difficult to satisfy when we consider the benefits that one job or another offers.

The most sought after benefits among millennials are:
Personal development
Studies’ payment
Social responsibility initiative
Free time as a bonus
Flexible working hours
Working from home

The flexibility and adaptability of the employer in offering the package of benefits influences the processes of recruitment, retention, motivation of employees, with an impact on their productivity and on reducing costs with the replacement of skills.
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