Strategies to reduce stress at work

Stress at work is no longer a novelty for those who have a job. The perception of stress by each person is determined, on the one hand, by the complexity of the position held, by the external conditions and, on the other, by the capabilities of the person facing the stressors.

Strategies for reducing stress at work aim at both defining dimensions for the perception of stress by employees. At the primary level, we can talk about a prevention model, which aims to reduce the number of stressors or reduce their intensity. Thus, it is possible to intervene on the organizational structure, the transformation of the work environment or technologies, the modification of the decision-making processes, etc.

In contrast to these primary interventions, there are interventions at the secondary level, interventions that focus on the intensity of stress felt by employees. Secondary strategies aim at individual changes, by increasing the professional training of employees so that they can more easily cope with the requirements of the job. The techniques used in these strategies are: relaxation techniques, time management, conflict resolution strategies, etc.

A third level of intervention on workplace stress management aims to rehabilitate the employee who faced a stressful event at work. Human resources specialists and direct superiors of employees who face the consequences of stress at work intervene in order to reduce the negative consequences caused by stress, through feedback discussions, by giving days off, by temporarily or permanently reducing the employee's tasks in cause, etc.

Healthy organizations will adopt the three types of strategies, depending on the situation created, taking into account both stress prevention and rehabilitation, when stressful situations could not be avoided.
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