The typology of the authentic candidate - Self-presentation in job interviews -


We are trained to make the best impression possible when we apply for a job interview. There is nothing wrong with this, but sometimes the candidates who appear for the interview manage to pull of an entire act when they meet the interviewer, assuming the role of the ideal candidate.

From the moment they shake hands with the person who invited them to the interview (the human resources manager or specialist), the behavior of some candidates undergoes visible changes even for a non-specialist: they become incisive, easily manipulative, highlighting that insecurity masked by exaggerated self esteem etc.

The authentic candidate, on the other hand, doesn't even make a good impression at first. He/she is silent, careful and too modest for our days, characterised by the misconception that if "if you do not boast, who will?" After he/she has the opportunity to talk about his/her "job", about passions, the authentic candidate metamorphoses into the charming person we are actually looking for, the person who promises, without making an effort - that he will be a good "team player" and that he/she will be the employee we can rely on.

This person knows what he/she can, but also what he/she can't do, what they want and what they don’t want, they have sincere curiosities, but especially he/she is a person who has emotions that he/she is not ashamed of, emotions that can be managed without entering into communication or relationship blockages.

Am authentic candidate does not use make up excessively, does not perfume himself excessively, does not dress ostentatiously, does not gesture too much and understands his/her place but also the role that the job interview plays in his/her life and professional career, without trying to turn into something that does not exist from the very beginning: the ideal candidate.


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